
Jun 21. 2018 · by Helge Sverre
Adding an "edit this page" link in Craft CMS

To make it easier for content editors (and frankly, yourself) it is useful to be able to click a link or button right on an article or entry page to go straight to the edit page for that entry, here is how.

Jun 20. 2018 · by Helge Sverre
How to add custom fields to your entry list in Craft CMS

If you click the little gear icon in the entry listing page in your control panel, you can pick which fields to display value of for each item in the list, by default the title and date is shown, but if you have images or another short field that would be nice to see in the list, you can add it.

Jun 10. 2018 · by Helge Sverre
How to use Ngrok with CraftCMS

Ngrok is a tool that I and other developers use to create temporary links that route traffic into your local webserver, however out-of-the-box there are some issues when using ngrok with CraftCMS due to how url and asset paths are generated.

May 28. 2018 · by Helge Sverre
How to add the table plugin to redactor in CraftCMS 3

The redactor table plugin in the Redactor editor is not enabled by default when you install Craft 2 or the Redactor Plugin in Craft 3, here is how the enable it, so it can be used by your content editors.

May 15. 2018 · by Helge Sverre
How to add a custom 404 page in CraftCMS

When CraftCMS cannot find a matching template or route, it displays a rather ugly "404 not found"-page, in this article I'll show to replace that page with your own custom "not found" template, and how CraftCMS's error pages works under the hood.