If a twig template has an underscore in the filename, it means that the template can not be viewed directly by going to mysite.com/templatename, useful for template files that are only included or used when there is an entry variable as not having this variable populated by craft will cause a template error.
Quick snippet showing you how to configure laravel-mix-purgecss to work with a CraftCMS project.
Bootstrap is a popular CSS framework, you have probably seen it before, I'm going to teach you how to use it properly and how to customize it with Sass variables, so you wouldn't know it was Bootstrap if you glanced at it.
Figure out how to reliably link to a "single" channel entry, useful to know in a multi-language project
When actively working on a Craft site, having to clear the template cache manually is cumbersome, here is how to disable it when you're in devMode.
Whether in development or in production, being locked out of your account is a pain in the ass, if you for some reason want to remove or change the settings that controls user lockout in Craft CMS, here is how.
Laravel Mix is a wrapper around webpack that makes it easy to do common stuff like compiling javascript, vue components, compiling Sass and generating sourcemaps etc, without having to battle with huge webpack config files by yourself.
To make it easier for content editors (and frankly, yourself) it is useful to be able to click a link or button right on an article or entry page to go straight to the edit page for that entry, here is how.
If you click the little gear icon in the entry listing page in your control panel, you can pick which fields to display value of for each item in the list, by default the title and date is shown, but if you have images or another short field that would be nice to see in the list, you can add it.